2018 Spring Dividends

Perry prepared these descriptions of our 2018 spring dividends. The dividends are distributed at the April meeting. English Daisy Tasso Strawberries & CreamBellis perennis Bellis perennis A cool-season plant, this one is blooming now! Even better, it should continue blooming into early summer. The foliage forms a low mat, with white, red, or pink flowers … Read more

2018 Schedule

Image of a Calendar

The 2018 meeting schedule is now on on the upcoming meetings page. Some events have full details now and more will be added as our season progresses. You can subscribe to the calendar using iCal to see the events in your calendar without having to type them in yourself.

Looking forward to 2018

Image of a Calendar

Happy Holidays! The Gardeners Exchange leadership team met on Friday, December 15th to work on the event schedule for 2018. As usual, Programs leader Dina Samfield’s amazing efforts had the schedule well on its way before the meeting even began. The tentative dates are on the calendar for your planning convenience. Please remember that dates … Read more

Summer cookout and container contest

Butterfly visiting echinacea

John and Lucy were wonderful hosts for our July cookout and container contest. Lucy’s lilies were spectacular and her wheelbarrow / container should’ve been in our contest. Gary did a great job at the grill and the appetizers, sides, desserts and beverages members brought made for a plentiful and delicious meal. There were many entries … Read more