Thanks to all who attended the 2018 Potluck Dinner and 2019 Planning meeting. The food was, as usual, delicious and it was nice to socialize with each other before the meeting formally began.
Your 2019 Leadership Team
Judith, Chairperson
Janet, Programs
Rae, Treasurer and Membership
Perry, Dividends
Scott, Website and Communications
Merry Kay, Leadership Team member at large
Sherrie, Leadership Team member at large
Ted, Leadership Team member at large
Celeste, Leadership Team member at large
Thank you to Garry and Lela for their leadership as co-chairs the last several years! And, thank you to the entire leadership team and the many volunteers that help for their work on our programs, dividends, other benefits, communications and general management.
2019 Dues and Dividends Adjustments
We voted to roll the separate $5 charge for one guest speaker meeting into the dues and to change the couples membership from two to one set of dividends. The result is that individual member dues for 2019 are $25 and couples membership dues for 2019 are $35. Non-members will continue to pay $5 at meetings with guest speakers.
We also voted to postpone the vote on whether to eliminate the fall dividend and whether to change up what is distributed in the spring until our February meeting. This will give the dividend team time to prepare and present some options for us to consider to make the vote less abstract.
Based on the member survey, and with no objections from those in attendance, we are continuing the number and mix of meeting formats, the Tower Hill Botanical Garden group membership, the Seed Share, the Swaps and, if you will share your experiences, member-led presentations.
Dividend Distribution
The meeting concluded with dividend distribution and bonus dividends for some lucky door prize winners! Thank you to Perry and her team for acquiring, packaging and distributing the fall dividends.