To kick off 2025, The Gardeners Exchange is bringing you a two-part program on “woodies” – ornamental shrubs and small trees – suitable for gardens in our climate. On February 22 at the Hazen Library in Shirley, Weston Nurseries Design & Education Manager Trevor Smith will introduce woodies with an overview highlighting pollinator- & wildlife-friendly natives. He will cover essential info such as how to choose the right woodie for a particular site, what to look for when shopping at your local nursery, and how to get your woodie off to a good start using planting and after-care best practices. He will conclude with a “top ten” list of winning choices for gardens in our region sure to start you dreaming about spring.
Late winter is the best time for pruning those trees and shrubs so a follow-up workshop on March 22 will provide the basic info needed to start you down the (garden) path to pruning success. This time we’ll be travelling to Weston Nurseries in Chelmsford where Nursery Manager Jim Connolly will present “Pruning Basics” using an array of live trees and shrubs from the nursery’s stock to demonstrate proper pruning techniques. He will conclude with an in-depth Q&A providing ample time for discussion of specific pruning challenges. And, as an added attraction, a vendor will be available on-site to provide tool-sharpening services (for a fee) during Jim’s presentation.
Now you definitely want to add a new woodie or two to your garden, right? As added encouragement, each “Pruning Basics” attendee will receive a valuable Weston Nurseries coupon, so plan on taking a new woodie home, along with your newly-sharpened pruning tools and a head full of new gardening knowledge!
The February and March programs are made possible by a generous grant from the Shirley Charitable Foundation.
Seed Share
Members have the opportunity to take home seeds from our seed sharing collection at this meeting. Many members have worked hard to provide hand-collected seeds from their own gardens to share with the group and the Seed Committee has requested and received donations from several companies. You can see which companies have generously donated seeds this year on our supporters page ( Members may also bring in seed catalogs to share with others. Find something new to inspire you this gardening season!
This event also includes a gardening book/catalog/magazine swap.