Touring Diane’s Gardens

On May 9, 2015, we toured Diane’s beautiful gardens in Pepperell, MA. Her gardens and specimen trees were a delight to see. A slideshow from the tour, click an image to view:

Joe Rajunas’ Plant Propagation Slides

These are the slides from Joe Rajunas’ April 25, 2015 presentation to The Gardeners Exchange about Plant Propagation. These can be handy recall aids though slides alone cannot convey all the information Joe shared with us.

Joe’s Slides:

2015 Spring Dividend Slides

Click the title slide to view the slideshow then use the right arrow key to advance one slide at a time or click the “Start Slideshow” link to play automatically (about 10 seconds per slide).

Subscribe to the upcoming meetings calendar

An iCalendar feed of our upcoming meetings (monthly meetings and special events, not outside events) is now available. Choose “Subscribe with iCal” on the Calendar menu and follow the directions. The feed should work with any calendar that can subscribe to iCal calendars. Instructions are provided for Apple Calendar and Google Calendar.

Changes for April and May Meetings

Please watch for email from Janet with updated details for the April and May meetings and an updated calendar. The featured story “April Meeting Location Change” above has the initial information on the changes. Note that the spring distribution AND the book / magazine swap will take place at the April meeting.