Perry prepared these descriptions of our 2018 spring dividends. The dividends are distributed at the April meeting.

English Daisy Tasso Strawberries & CreamBellis perennis
Bellis perennis
A cool-season plant, this one is blooming now! Even better, it should continue blooming into early summer. The foliage forms a low mat, with white, red, or pink flowers rising above it, totaling about 5”.
Location is important. It likes sun to part shade, blooms best in sun, but does not do well in hot summer sun. It needs fertile, well-drained soil. Plan on watering in summer. It is not drought-tolerant.

Penstemon Husker Red Strain
Penstemon digitalis
Here’s the description from Monrovia’s website: “Create a dramatic accent with the deep burgundy foliage of this tough and reliable perennial. Place among bright leafed plants to accentuate deep spring color. Performs better than others in hot, humid summers and wet winters. Hummingbird friendly! 1996 Perennial Plant of the Year. Herbaceous.”
You might know this plant as Beardtongue. Masses of white blooms appear in summer. It grows 24-30 inches. Plant in full sun to part shade, with good drainage and regular water.

Sweet William Barbarini Red Picotee
Dianthus barbatus
This variety grows to 8-10 inches, and blooms spring to autumn. Plant in sun to part shade. Attracts butterflies!
Various internet descriptions say that Barbarini is a first-year blooming biennial that self-seeds easily. So expect many more to appear next year!